Adult Craft: FOFO – Foil Insects

Session 1: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Session 2: 1:30pm – 3:30pm.

Join artist Ruth Moilliet for a free adult craft session. Ruth will be sharing her techniques for making insects out of recycled material, similar to those currently on display in FOFO. These sessions are suitable for adults and older teens.

To book, please email
First come first served. Limited numbers available.

FOFO: Fear of finding out

Having celebrated the botanical world in her work for many years, Ruth Moilliet’s bold and engaging sculptures now look at the decline of plant species, their pollinators and the natural world as a whole. Her initial studies highlighted the impact the fossil fuel industry has on our planet where she began to use found, recycled plastic materials to produce her work. The new additions shown in this exhibition encourage discussion around the responsibilities we have as individuals to prevent further decline through our daily activities and the items in our lives.

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