The Atkinson’s popular monthly object of the month talks are backs for the summer season.
This regular programme of short gallery talks highlights different objects from the collections and each month focuses on a different object from paintings, print and sculpture to craft, costume and ceramics.
As well as exploring objects from our Art collections Object of the Month also reveals the hidden histories of objects from our fascinating Social History, Maritime and Egyptology collections.
The programme is delivered by Museum and Gallery staff as well as a wide range of outside expert speakers who delve deeper in to Sefton’s collections and reveal new stories every month.
The talks take place on the second Wednesday of the month at 1pm and are repeated on the third Thursday of the month at 6.30pm in the exhibition galleries. There is no need to book as the talks are all free and take place in the galleries.
Wednesday 14 May at 1pm and Thursday 15 May at 6.30pm
Alan O’ Callaghan talks about The William Atkinson portrait and the history of The Atkinson. The talk is followed by a behind scenes tour of The Atkinson as part of Culture 24’s Museum at Night.
Wednesday 11 June at 1pm and Thursday 19 June at 6.30pm
Jo Chamberlain, The Atkinson’s Documentation Officer discusses ‘Lord Street (1830)’ by Mrs Fairfield. A painting that came to light as staff were researching the collections in preparation for the opening of The Atkinson’s new museum later this year.
This work by an amateur artist, may well be the earliest original view of Southport, when the town was little more than a street of houses set between sand dunes. Come along and have a preview of some of the collections unseen paintings and photographs.
Wednesday 9 July at 1pm and Thursday 17 July at 6.30pm
Dave E-Wing, Crosby library’s the Heritage Manager talks about ‘Morning Parade’ and promenading in Southport.
Wednesday 13 August at 1pm and Thursday 21 August at 6.30pm.
Dr Amanda Draper delivers a talk on ‘Mrs Eve Lutyens’ by Glyn Warren Philpot.
The Walk On exhibition is in the middle of being installed but Dr Anna Maddison’s talk on ‘Theatre of the Young Artists’ by Walter Sickert is still taking place on Thursday 17 April at 6.30pm. The talk will be hosted in Gallery 5 instead of Gallery 2.
The new Walk On Exhibition opens on Saturday 12 April and runs until Saturday 9 August. It is the first exhibition to examine the astonishingly varied ways in which artists, since the 1960’s have undertaken a seemingly universal act-taking a walk-as their means to create new types of art.
The exhibition brings together nearly 40 artists who all have made work by undertaking a journey on foot. In doing so, they all stake out new artistic territories.
For more information about all events and exhibitions at The Atkinson just visit or call The Atkinson Box Office on 01704 533333.
‘Theatre of the Young Artists’ by Walter Sickert
Thursday 17 April / 6.30pm
The William Atkinson Portrait and the history of The Atkinson
Wednesday 14 May / 1pm
Thursday 15 May / 6.30pm
‘Lord Street (1830)’ by Mrs Fairfield
Wednesday 11 June / 1pm
Thursday 19 June / 6.30pm
‘Morning Parade’ and promenading Southport
Wednesday 9 July / 1pm
Thursday 17 July / 6.30pm
‘Mrs Eva Lutyens’ by Glyn Warren Philpot
Wednesday 13 August / 1pm
Thursday 21 August / 6.30pm
Posted on 9 April 2014 under General news