People of The Atkinson: Caroline

People of The Atkinson: Caroline

This People at The Atkinson blog features a member of staff who you may recognise from our Make It! Craft Sessions.

Caroline – Cultural Learning and Participation Apprentice.

“Every day is different at The Atkinson and I especially love my role because I get to put a smile on people’s faces. It is my job to make sure we have a good relationship with schools, so I coordinate their visits, make sure the children are getting the most out of their learning and connecting with the important stories told here at The Atkinson.

I also get to enjoy organising the Make It! Craft sessions and helping with our Young Curators summer school. A really rewarding part of my role that I have so much fun with. I’m also on the judging panel for the Inspirations Writing Competition and the Young Artist of the Year – so you could say it’s a rather varied job!

Working with young people, especially young children, is great. I have such funny stories of interactions we’ve had that I could write a book. It’s such a great feeling when children who aren’t connected to the activities decide they want to get involved because you’ve made it accessible for their needs. It’s not just the young people in the building that I work with; but across Sefton too. I help facilitate the educational loan boxes to schools and youth groups. One recently went out to home school educators which is a first for us.

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love theatre! So when I got to assist with the Southport Then And Now play last summer was such a dream come true. The feedback was great and it is a memory I’ll always keep with me. I hope with the success of Southport Then And Now, we will get to see more theatre tailored for teenagers at The Atkinson.

Speaking of theatre, getting to enjoy some live performances in our performing arts spaces alongside our audiences is always great fun. The Christmas pantomimes are a particular highlight that I look forward to each year.

I also contribute to the changeover of the Landing exhibitions and have acquired a surprising amount of skill with a screwdriver in the process!

With so much to keep me busy and so much to learn, I’ve really enjoyed time here. Even after my apprenticeship comes to an end, I’ll still be around to enjoy the successes the Atkinson. It is such an iconic venue in Southport and one that has achieved so much over the past ten years.

I am so passionate about theatre, community engagement, and providing inspiring arts experiences. I feel privileged to have gained such valuable and varied experience at The Atkinson that allows me to pursue my interests and make a positive impact through my role.”

Posted on 7 September 2023 under People of The Atkinson

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