It’s Back! Young Curators Summer Sessions 2024

It’s Back! Young Curators Summer Sessions 2024

Get ready for creativity, teamwork, and a deep dive into the world of museums! The Atkinson’s fantastic Young Curators Summer Sessions are returning this summer, offering teenagers aged 14-18 a unique opportunity to explore their passion for the arts.

Shape the Future of The Atkinson

These free sessions are your chance to become a museum insider. You’ll work alongside museum professionals, gain hands-on experience with The Atkinson’s incredible collections, and develop the skills needed to curate your own exhibitions.

More Than Just Art

The Young Curators Summer Sessions go beyond the gallery walls. You’ll learn valuable life skills like teamwork, critical thinking, and communication, all in a fun and inspiring environment. It’s the perfect way to boost your college applications, gain valuable volunteer experience, or simply discover if a career in the arts is right for you.

Space is Limited, Apply Now!

Places on the Young Curators Summer Sessions fill up fast, so don’t miss out! Head over to our survey to join in. We can’t wait to see your artistic spark ignite at The Atkinson this summer!

Tuesday 30 July, Friday 2 August, Tuesday 6 August, Friday 9 August.
11am – 3pm.
Age 14 – 18.
Free, lunch included.

Participating in the Young Curators Summer Sessions can be counted as volunteer time, which can be used as part of the requirement for a Baccalaureate programme or for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. This experience can also be used as evidence towards the achievement of your Art’s Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold). Participation in this scheme may improve your CV, demonstrating to prospective employers that you are keen to learn and are interested in acquiring new skills.

Priority will be given to new Young Curators who can make all sessions but there may still be availability for individual sessions so please indicate which workshops you are interested in attending. Previous Young Curators are welcome to sign up for the last two sessions.

Tuesday 30 July: What does ‘museum’ mean?
Friday 2 August: Curators of the Future!
Tuesday 6 August: Getting Creative – Heritage Open Days Event
Friday 9 August: Finishing touches – Heritage Open Days Event

Previous Young Curators are welcome to sign up to the final two sessions to continue their studies.

For more information please contact Jemma Tynan, Exhibitions & Learning Officer:


Get involved by clicking here to fill out the survey.

Posted on 11 June 2024 under General news

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