Lilith by John Collier – With Volunteer Louise

Our brilliant volunteer team are a passionate bunch! They love the arts and are dedicated to making The Atkinson a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone. They love learning about and sharing history, art, and culture with the public.

We have asked our team of volunteers to identify their favourite painting or object from our collection.

Learn more about our beautiful painting of Lilith by John Collier with volunteer Louise pop in Friday 26 January at 11am.

Louise has been volunteering at The Atkinson for 9 years, from front of house in the foyer welcoming visitors to behind the scenes assisting with collections care and exhibition installations but being a mature student with Open University and gaining a BA (Hons) Humanities sparked an interest in Art History and where better for her to volunteer now is on the galleries where she can chat to visitors about the artworks and exhibitions.

No need to book, simply head to our Gallery on the first floor for a start at 11am.

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