Quilt | Grid | Pattern

Dr Christopher Harris introduces the forthcoming exhibition, Quilt | Grid | Pattern.

The exhibition features contemporary responses by Harris and fellow artist Kevin Laycock to the historic quilts in the Gawthorpe Textiles Collection. The formal qualities of the patchwork quilt: repetition, geometry, layering and interweaving pattern, provide inspiration for new work exploring patterning and geometric design.

Exhibition dates: 16 September 2023 – 24 February 2024
Find out more here: theatkinson.co.uk/exhibition/quilt-grid-pattern

Object of the Month

The Object of the Month lunchtime talks take place on the second Wednesday of every month and highlight different objects from our fine art and social history collections.

Join us as we discover the hidden histories of items across our collections, from painting, print and sculpture to craft, costume and ceramics. The programme is delivered by Museum and Gallery staff as well as a wide range of outside expert speakers.

Object of the Month talks are freeDonations to The Atkinson Development Trust are welcomed.


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