611 Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force have welcomed their wartime Tally Board back to RAF Woodvale. 80 years ago on 21 September 1940, Pilot Officer Adams of 611 Squadron shot down a German Dornier 215 Reconnaissance Aircraft over North Wales, having chased it from Liverpool. This was one of only three Dornier 215’s shot down during the war.
Members of the Squadron ground crew rescued the wing panel from the crash site and created the Tally Board now proudly adorning the Squadron HQ. The Tally Board records the names, dates and aircraft type for each pilot’s victory, as well as a list of names of Squadron Commanding Officers during WW2. It also states that between 1939-1945, 611 Squadron accounted for 122.5 aircraft destroyed, 56 probable and 64 damaged.
- Archive photo of crash site in North Wales
- Archive photo of 611 Squadron with the Tally Board
- Squadron Leader Andrea Watts & Mr Guy Revell wrapping the Tally Board
- Officer Commanding 611 Squadron, Wing Commander Chaskin and Executive Officer 611 Squadron, Squadron Leader Rimmer
611 Squadron played a full part in the Battle of Britain campaign, based at RAF Digby but operating forward from RAF Duxford. On 15 September 1940, Battle of Britain Day itself, 611 Squadron was in action over London as part of Douglas Bader’s Duxford Wing (12 Group’s ‘Big Wing’ formation).
On 19 September 1940 a 611 Squadron detachment flew up to Ringway (now Manchester Airport) for patrols over Liverpool and the Wirral. It was from Ringway on 21 September that Pilot Officer Adams took off to investigate the enemy aircraft sighting over Liverpool.
611 Squadron would like to thank the RAF Museum who have loaned this important piece of history and RAF Heritage who negotiated its loan. Squadron Leader Andrea Watts (SO2 RAF Heritage) and Mr Guy Revell (RAF Museum Curator) carefully wrapped the Tally Board prior to handing it over to 611 Squadron.
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The Atkinson are in the process of compiling an exhibition looking at Sefton during WW2, in particular, the involvement of the Polish airmen based at RAF Woodvale. The exhibition will open in June 2021. We are looking for any stories or objects you think may be relevant to the exhibition, please get in touch. Email info@theatkinson.co.uk
Posted on 17 October 2020 under General news