Due to our Egyptology expert Molly testing positive, we have had to amend the schedule of Egyptology Month weekend 4.
The day is still packed full of family friendly activities to educate, inspire and entertain to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Howard Carter saying his famous quote ” I see wonderful things!”
Our Saturday 26 November at The Atkinson now looks like this:
10:30am – Egyptology Themed Construction Club
Young inventors, creators and builders are invited to drop in and play with our massive supply of LEGO.
Founded in Denmark in 1932, the name LEGO was created by taking the first two letters of the Danish words ‘leg godt’, meaning play well.
The iconic building blocks are part of so many people’s childhoods all over the world. In 1998, LEGO was one of the original toys to be inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.
Join us and let your imagination run wild!
To coincide with our Egyptology Month at The Atkinson, we are encouraging all our builders to create Egypt themed builds!
11am – The Mummies of 8 Colquitt Street, Liverpool: Joseph Mayer’s Egyptian Museum 1852-1867
In this extra special talk to celebrate The Atkinson’s Egyptology month, Dr Cooke will be talking about the mummy’s in the collection at National Museums Liverpool and putting the mummy currently on display at The Atkinson into context with these.
11am – Arty Egypt
It is time to get creative as we invite all visitors to make your own ancient Egyptian artefact. Materials all provided by us, no booking required. Led by artist Dot Rogers.
Bring history to life by being creative! Fun activities for kids and adults alike!
11am & 2pm – Egyptology Gallery Tours
As part of The Atkinson’s Egypt month join us for a series of free tours of the Goodison collection on display in the Egyptology gallery. The tours are free but pre-booking is essential.
This tour is delivered by one of our knowledgeable Atkinson team members. You will have the opportunity to learn more about Mrs Goodison’s extensive Egyptology than ever before and ask questions to our Egyptian experts.
Only 15 places per tour so book now to avoid disappointment.
All of us at The Atkinson wish Molly a speedy recovery!
Let us take you on a journey back to ancient Egypt
Our stunning Egyptology museum takes visitors on a journey through what life was like in ancient Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, showcasing Anne Goodison’s personal and wide-ranging collection in an interactive display. Mrs Goodison was one of a handful of wealthy Victorian ladies in the North West who were fascinated by ancient Egypt.
The Goodison collection is both varied and well preserved. It illustrates the rituals that were at the heart of Egyptian beliefs, as well as the creation of personal beauty and communication through language & imagery. The collection also tells us about everyday life and allows us to imagine life as an ancient Egyptian, rich and poor.
Visitors can see an intricately decorated coffin lid, the Mummy of Nes-Amun, a wooden Ba-bird and rare paddle dolls, amongst many other artefacts. A range of interactive displays include the ‘Weighing of the Heart’ ceremony, X-raying an Ibis mummy and a hieroglyphic jigsaw wall. Choose an outfit from the dressing up box and take a selfie; in Ancient Egypt mirrors were treasured and thought to be magical! Visitors can also take part in a new A.R. experience, The Ba Bird Tour, bringing artefacts to life by scanning the QR codes in the museum with a phone.
Posted on 25 November 2022 under General news