Date: Saturday 13 January 2024 – Saturday 2 March 2024
Free Entry
Monday – Saturday. 10am – 4pm.
Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays.
Plan your visit here.
This exhibition takes you into the home of a couple whose working lives were in the arts, where the milestones of their lives are mirrored in the works they display.
Until now, seen by friends and guests, they hope this first sharing of the collection will lead to a wider knowledge and appreciation of the artists they enjoy and respect.
One a Scot, the other a Sandgrounder, these works have adorned homes of varying size, and location. No collection, however, is ever complete, so they continue to commission and buy.
Featured artists:
Reinhardt Behrens, John Bellany, Alfons Bytautus, William Heaton Cooper, Joan Eardley, Sheila Fell, Constance Fidler, Fay Godwin, Wilhelmina Barns Graham, Judith Gregson, Jonny Hannah, Ted Hughes, Percy Kelly, RJ Lloyd, Tom Mackenzie, Will Maclean, Linda Mallett, Keith McIntyre, Cherry Pickles, Margaret Robb, Kate Robinson, EA Taylor, Archie Sutter Watt, Kate Whiteford, Cyril Wilson.
- Sunghrie III, 2002, by Wilhelmina Barns Graham (1912-2004) © Wilhelmina Barns Graham Trust