Date: Saturday 28 May 2022 – Saturday 2 July 2022
Free Entry
Monday – Saturday. 10am – 4pm.
Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays.
Plan your visit here.
The Landing
The Landing is an exciting Gallery showcasing affordable art work from leading regional artists, with regularly changing exhibitions.
Are you an artist? Are you interested in displaying and selling your artwork in our commercial gallery? Take a look at the application form here and The Landing floor plans here.
Own Arts Scheme
Selected artworks are available to purchase through The Atkinson and the Own Art Scheme. Please email for more information.
Own Art makes buying art easy and affordable by letting you spread the cost of your purchase over 10 months with an interest-free loan. With over 250 galleries and thousands of original works of art to choose from, why not start a collection of your own today from as little as £10 per month? Find out more here.
The Liver Sketching Club
This year, the Liver Sketching Club celebrates its 150th anniversary making it the oldest art club in England. The Club was founded in Liverpool in May 1872 and has been continuously active in the city ever since.
In pre-Covid times, the club ran more than 40 classes every month – all working from live models – and, as restrictions are eased, it is almost back to those levels. The current membership is around 100, some of whom live far from Liverpool [Sweden, Iona, etc], joining the classes online.
Many events are planned to mark this special year, and the club is particularly pleased to be starting its exhibiting at The Atkinson during the anniversary month of May.
- Girl at the petrol pump by Jacob Gourley