Date: Saturday 11 March 2023 – Saturday 25 March 2023
Free Entry
Monday – Saturday. 10am – 4pm.
Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays.
Plan your visit here.
The local society was founded in 1890, making it one of the oldest in the country. In this 76th annual exhibition their members present a range of subjects and techniques.
The exhibition includes a selection of images from many of the members. This reflects a good representation of the various skill and interest levels in the club. You can expect to see a range of subjects including; sport, landscape, portraiture, creative work and natural history.
- Three Suits by Penny Price LRPS CPAGB – President – Southport Photographic Society
The society meets every Monday evening from September to April with a programme of talks, presentations and competitions. In addition monthly workshop meetings are held on zoom and in the summer months, May to August, outdoor trips.