Ukulele Lending Library

Would you like to learn to play ukulele for free?

You can now loan a Ukulele from Southport Library the same way you would loan a book.

The Atkinson and Southport Library are working in collaboration with The Ukulele Project North West and Ukulele Buddies to allow our adult Library Members to gain access to music and connect with the local community across Sefton.

You will be able to loan a ukulele in soprano, concert or tenor size (that’s small, medium or large) from Southport library in the same way that you borrow a book, all you need is a Sefton library card.

Each loan will come with a introduction guide to give you information on how to play your ukulele, songsheets and lots of information on where you can buy a ukulele, find a teacher, or a local strumalong / open mic session or group.

In addition there will be some free teaching sessions available from Southport library with expert tutor Karine Woodward. Places are limited so if you are interested contact Southport Library to find out more.

Download this handy introduction to the Ukulele to get started:
A Brief Introduction to the Ukulele

The North West Ukulele Project’s mission is to use the ukulele as a tool for building communities, confidence, combating loneliness and promoting wellbeing.

Ukulele Buddies are a friendly and encouraging group, performing festivals, events, care homes and open mics around the Southport region.

The Atkinson Development Trust are funded a series of beginner courses.

For further information on Southport Library services please visit the Sefton Libraries website.

Southport Library 
0151 934 2118

Southport Library, Lord Street, Southport, PR8 1DJ