We’re looking forward to safely welcoming you back into The Atkinson. The building is re-opening in stages, with reduced visiting times and limited services.
From Monday 27 July you can visit the Library, Box Office, Museum, Gallery, Shop and takeaway Café at The Atkinson. (Monday – Saturday, 11am – 4pm)
As with other public services, we are limiting the number of visitors allowed into The Atkinson, please expect to queue to enter the building.
You are also required to provide NHS Test & Trace details on arrival. These details are kept securely for 21 days and held only for the purpose of contacting people who may have been exposed to a confirmed case of Covid-19 when they have been identified as visiting The Atkinson. As Sefton Council are the Public Health Authority, we will fully support the programme by allowing in only those willing to give their details.
It is mandatory to wear protective face coverings in the shop and encouraged throughout the rest of the building.
When you enter The Atkinson, sanitise your hands and follow the directional signage on the floor. Please limit your visit to a maximum of one hour per day and adhere to social distancing measures throughout the building.
Seating areas have been removed and we are unable to offer toilet facilities at this time.
Library – The library offer will be limited to a lending service and essential tasks only. All public group engagements, including story & rhyme time, are temporarily on hold. sefton.gov.uk/libraries
Maximum capacity of 20 visitors at a time in the Library.
Box Office – The Atkinson’s Theatre and Studio remain closed, the Box Office team are available to help with booking enquiries, refunds and exchanges. Please use contactless payments where possible.
Museum & Gallery – There is a one-way system in place around the museum and galleries and the interactive displays have been temporarily removed.
Maximum capacity of 10 visitors at a time in the Museum. Maximum capacity of 30 visitors at a time in the Gallery.
Shop – In the shop, please wear face coverings, refrain from handling items unnecessarily and be aware of social distancing in this small space.
Cafe – A Great Little Place will be offering a takeaway service from the external café door with a reduced menu and limited outdoor seating, 10am-11am. From 11am-4pm limited indoor seating is available.
Theatre & Studio – In line with national guidance on performance spaces, the theatre & studio will remain closed until further notice.
We appreciate your support in following guidance from staff, ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times.
Brick Wonders: Around the world in LEGO bricks
27 July – 26 September 2020
Brick Wonders transports you around the world to wonders old and new, recreated from half a million LEGO® bricks by Warren Elsmore and his team. From the building of the pyramids to the International Space Station, journey through our amazing world, and be inspired to discover and create your own wonders at home.
Fatal Attraction: Lilith and her Sisters
27 July 2020 – 27 March 2021
This exhibition explores the long history of the femme fatale and her transformation from a symbol of patriarchal power to the hero of her own story. Dr Laura Eastlake, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, Edge Hill University, has been awarded an Honorary Research Fellowship at The Atkinson to develop research into ancient worlds and nineteenth-century art, and is a guest curator for this exhibition.
Eagle: 1950-2020
27 July – 5 September 2020
The ‘Eagle’ children’s comic was created here in Southport 70 years ago. With the help of David Britton of the Eagle Society The Atkinson have created an exhibition to celebrate the anniversary. Featuring original artwork by numerous contributing artists as well as original memorabilia, the exhibition tells the story of ‘Eagle’ comic.
Digital Exhibitions
The Landing: Becky Atherton, Bob Heath & Samantha Aylwin
13 July – 5 September 2020
Gallery display: 27 Jul – 5 Sep 2020
Local artists display work created before and during lockdown. Artworks are available to purchase through The Atkinson and the Own Art Scheme.
Digital exhibition now live
Gallery display: 9 Oct – 12 Dec 2020
This exhibition celebrates the restoration of a painting that was given to The Atkinson in the late 19th century; The Triumph of Art by Nicolas Pierre Loir.
Discover Ancient Egypt
Our stunning Egyptology museum takes visitors on a journey through what life was like in ancient Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs. The museum showcases Mrs Goodison’s personal Egyptology collection in an intimate exhibition. Visitors can see an intricately decorated coffin lid, the Mummy of Nes-Amun, a wooden Ba-bird and rare Paddle Doll‘s, amongst many other artefacts.
Between Land & Sea
Our local history museum tells the stories of the people who have lived and worked along the Sefton coast. The exhibition begins with the history of the coast, from prehistoric times to the present day. The museum also showcases the development of Sefton’s tourist towns, Southport and Birkdale, as well as the outstanding natural habitats from Marshside to Formby Point.
Posted on 23 July 2020 under General news, Just announced